
Link to Me

Cherubic's Heavenly Homepage

Cherubic, a weasel-sheep-vulture anthro hybrid, says hello.

I'm Cherubic, a writer, fursuiter, and hobbyist of various types. This is where I go on about the many things I'm passionate about. Hopefully you can find something you're interested in, or even learn about something new!

Recent Updates


I updated the fursuiting page with some tips! I think next I might try to make a gallery of fursuit pictures because I have a lot, but hopefully now I can finally work on that virtual pet page.


Sorry for the break! I had birthday celebrations and then went on a vacation to visit a friend, and did some petsitting. I have updated my ouji fashion page with some pictures and talking about how I arrange my coords since I got that photoshoot I promised while I was visting. Tomorrow I will try to work on the fursuiting page a bit more with some pictures. I would like to do some fursuit acting tutorials as well. Unfortunately the virtual pet fight club has fallen by the wayside but I'll try to pick it up after tweaking the fursuit page. Also: my guestbook is finally live! :D Please consider signing it if you visit! I'd love to hear from you.


I've started my pages on fursuiting and ouji fashion! I'll be working on them throughout today, mind the dust. I'm hoping tomorrow I can start setting up a virtual pets page since I've had a new Digimon X vpet come in and I want to do a little fight club run between my Xc and Xd.


The site is born! Things are still very under construction here, so bear with me.

Copyright 2020 © Cherubic
Websets by Lynn